Friday, July 18, 2008

They signed!!

They signed, they signed!!! We are in contract with somebody to buy our house, we are so excited!! Of course this is only the first step, but hopefully things will go smoothly and we will have a sold house in a short amount of time!!! More later, of course!! And pictures of our trip to Vegas.....


Jueneta said...


What a relief!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!

CeeJ said...

WOW!! :) That's a big relief!! I hope it all goes through!!

Hey look- you taught me well! You're officially connected to my blog! ;)

Lisa said...

Meridith...I have had the great luck today to find Jeana's blog and from hers yours! I love looking at pics of your family. I think the last time I saw you you were visiting the Burk St ward with only one child! So it has been a while. If you would me at lisaglarsen(at)yahoo(dot)com and I will send you an invite to my blog!
Lisa (Layton)

Janei said...

All right! Congratulations! That's great news! Hope it all goes well.

jeana said...

hi.... it has been MONTHS since you have blogged! ;) whatcha waitin for? Hope you guys are doing well!


My handsome hubby

Mariah and Jayden playing with play-doh

Mariah and Jayden playing with play-doh
Hi, so this is our new house that we just moved into, back in May, and we have no toys unpacked and no TV to watch so we are playing playdoh today...


At the Tree of Life WaltDisneyWorld, FL